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  “Ah.” I breathe deeply with a tenor rumbling in my belly, while I squeeze tight and begin a slow-paced draw, up and down the solid shaft, using a firm pumping motion. I lower my gaze to watch my cock, and my hand around it, milking it tightly. The head is getting redder and the slit is puffing outward slightly.

  “Christ,” I hiss lowly, gripping the shaft harder and pumping my hand a bit faster. I’ve been pussy celibate for over two years now. Ever since my disorderly divorce was complete, and I’m not certain if the celibacy is a conscious choice or not. But lately, I find myself pulled into the lure of jacking off.

  “Damn.” I cuss lowly, fisting my cock even faster, as the memory of Tallie Rousseau’s breasts pushing against my chest won’t leave me alone. It was just moments of brief pressure with those two plump breasts. They are indecently big tits for the military with their large weight straining the regulation jump suits. Her ass is fat too, and not overweight, just sleek and plump like a woman’s should be. Watching her walk away is torture. And her hair, Jesus, it must fall to her ass when she wears it loose from the braid she normally has it in.

  I'm grimacing now, deep in arousal, but fighting it, even as my hand pulls hard on my engorged cock. I push drops of pre-cum out of the slit with each upward drag, as my palm skims over the head and slit, making me suck my breath in tightly. My palm comes away with cum on it and I drag this back down the shaft, coating it, until there’s a rapid slurping sound, as I hand fuck myself.

  Tallie must have Latin blood in her, because her skin is tawny and her eyes are deep brown pools. She is very shy and skittish . . . and now I know she's impish too. That's all I can say about what she did tonight. Hell, I've never had anyone stand up for me before as she did. I'm an artificially born Variant that normally goes with the territory.

  “Christ,” I hiss.

  I would laugh, but I can’t stop groaning. I’m hot just thinking about her. I beat my meat harder, taking my fingers all the way to the broad head, and down again to my balls, big, heavy, and tight. Christ. I’m trying to imagine Tallie naked. I can't help it, and what I’m picturing is making my mouth dry.

  I like to take my woman rough. It is a private power attitude, because I’m a Variant. I want the control, all the control, and I demand it. I’d like Tallie to feel helpless, and I imagine her that way. She'd be perfect for it, and I would bend her over something low, spread her cunt open wide and fuck her hard and fast from behind. The power position. The submissive position for her.

  “Ah hh,”

  My hand is like a piston on my bucking cock as I try to keep my groans contained. However, I cannot help imagining taking Tallie’s ass. I've always wanted to take a woman up the ass. Hell, there are a hundred things I’ve want to do with a woman that I've not done yet.

  “God!” I grunt hard as I ejaculate, and I keep pumping each blissful twinge out of myself.

  I can’t ever have her. I will never again take a womb-born woman. I’m not even sure if I will take another woman at all. But Tallie shakes me up, and for that reason alone I will never put her through the harm of being associated with a Variant man.

  Damn. If only . . .

  “You are taking her, Captain Boa,” Commander Grady says.

  I’m standing at rigid attention staring at Commander Grady. “I cannot take her, sir. It would be suicide.” The inflection in my voice embarrasses me with emphasis in front of my commander.

  “Captain Boa, are you belaying a direct order?” Commander Grady asks sharply.

  I want to tear the room apart. “Sir, she is a reservist. She’s never been in combat. She doesn’t know a thing about . . .”

  “Captain!” Grady interrupts me curtly. And I would have said, “War.” “Then you’re the one to keep her alive.” Grady pauses. “Look, Ry, in the air or on the ground, you are the best.” he says relaxing a little. I understand that we are nearly friends, as close as I’ve ever gotten to one actually. “And, Private Rousseau, unfortunately has the distinction of being the only person alive out here who can use the MAXI program and dump it into another system to search and destroy. If we didn’t have her, we’d be in shit. Especially now that we’ve figured out the aliens have the capability to tap our communications. You know what this means, Ry. How many lives are being lost because of it?”

  Hell yes, I know. “Yes, sir,” I answer grimly. “Is she volunteering or being commandeered, sir?”

  “I’ll give her a chance to volunteer and for you to convince her,” Grady replies solemnly. “Or you know what will happen.”

  Yes, I know. They’ll plant a bug in her skull that will give her more pain than a human being can live with, if she doesn’t obey. Resolutely, I have to force myself not to touch the place in my head where mine had been. Ten years and I’ll never forget it. They used them on all Variants, before they set us free. Wouldn’t the people of Earth be surprised to find out their government never destroyed the technology, and still used it?

  “Yes, sir.” My answer is crisp; there is nothing else I can do.

  Ten minutes later, I’m searching for Rousseau, but I don’t like it one bit. A dozen thoughts are racing through my mind, then discarded, as I try to think of a way to keep her out of this. Grimly, after time, I let myself believe the only reason I care is because her inexperience is likely to get me killed. So by the time I find her quarters, I’ve got my back up pretty good as I rap on her metal door.

  “It’s Captain Boa, open up, Rousseau!”

  “Y-Yes, sir.” I can hear Rousseau’s muffled call from within, followed by a banging noise. Then moments pass with a muted, “Just a minute, sir.”

  I’m about ready to pound on the door again, when she finally opens up. I instantly regret my pushiness. Rousseau has obviously been to the showers. Her hair is still damp and hanging free. It’s like a river of browns and reds, hanging down past her hips. I’ve never seen anything more attractive. Or more of a nuisance, I tell myself, trying to think of our upcoming mission and what a problem all that hair will be. I ought to make her cut it.

  The thing is, damn it, I cannot help but notice how the wetness of her hair has dampened the white tee shirt she's wearing over her breasts. Large firm breasts and she’s not wearing a bra. Her brown eyes are wide and uncertain, looking at my chest as usual.


  Rousseau’s voice is like intimate bedroom murmurs. Always warm and softly spoken. It affects me every time I hear it. “Private Rousseau, you are to meet me on the flight deck at twenty-two hundred hours. I will brief you there.”

  “I–yes, sir.” She blinks at me slowly. It's highly irregular, as in never, that I come to her quarters to issue orders. Only at the last minute, I decide the best course is to order her to do it. More than that, let her know as little about what is going on, until I get her on the planet, Agress. Then, she can’t try to back out. There's no way I’m going to let them put a pain bug in her skull. Hell. Where the hell did that thought come from?

  I grind my teeth. I must look serious, because Rousseau is fidgeting nervously with the ends of her beautiful hair. Then, belatedly I realize how much time has passed and I clear my throat.

  “Bring everything you need to dump a MAXI program into another system to search and destroy. But nothing extra, make it as light as possible.”

  “Yes, sir.” Rousseau has surprise in her brown eyes. I can tell she’s fighting not to ask any questions.

  “And find a flight suit that will fit you,” I order over my shoulder, as I turn sharply. “And boots, private.”

  “Yes, sir!” Rousseau calls out smartly to my retreating back.

  Chapter Five

  “Damn, Tallie,” I mumble to myself, trying to squash my breasts beneath the zipper of a too tight black flight suit. “Damn it!” They do not make flight suits for big-breasted women. I'm certain that is somehow sexist. Then I check my boots, at least they fit.

  I could have found out what’s happening. No one on board the U.S.S. Eclipse really under
stands that I’m an Internal-Systems hacker. That was my last job on earth. I would hack into anything, and then figure out how to keep myself out. Securities, my bosses called it. I called it love of the job. I could work at home and do what I do best.

  So it wouldn't have been a problem for me to hack into Captain Boa’s logs or Commander Grady’s and pick out what I needed to know. I could have done it and they'd never known I’d been there. I’m still kind of wondering why I didn’t. But I know it has to do with Captain Boa. He's never come to my quarters like that before. He has never spoken to me like that before . . . with such intensity. And if I didn’t know better, I’d say he liked my breasts.

  “Yeah right, you are not questioning a thing, just because your Captain eyed your boobs,” I mutter under my breath. Then, I grab the pack with the MAXI stuff in it." Get real."

  However, I figure that's as close to the truth as I’m going to admit on this one, as I leave my quarters and hope to hell he really did like my boobs. They were quite spectacular in the wet tee shirt I'd been wearing.

  “I’m going to what?” I hiss four hours later, looking at Captain Boa’s tough and grim expression.

  “That’s what I said, Private Rousseau. The team is going to parachute out of this heap and you’re going to buddy up with me, since you’ve never dropped before. Now, get up here so I can hook you up!”

  All around me in the cargo Skitter, the other six men of "the team" are putting on their parachutes. I’d been really nervous wondering what the heck was going on, but Captain Boa’s silence and his intense stares kept me quiet. In the interim of four hours, and with no briefing as promised, I was imagining many things, but never this. I have an awful feeling we’re going into a war zone, and suddenly, I feel as though Captain Boa has betrayed me.

  He steps closer to me and lowers his voice beneath the noise in the cargo hold. “Are you thinking of disobeying an order, private?” he asks me coldly.

  This is my life, damn it, and I find myself brave enough to look up at him. “No, but I’ve never been in combat before, you should know that!”

  The Captain grabs the hooks on my flight suit and he hauls me toward him to begin hooking me up to him. “I do,” he answers grimly. “That is why, Private Rousseau . . .” He tugs on a hook and jostles me closer. I’m nearly hugging him! “You are going to do exactly, and I mean exactly, everything I say the minute I say it! This is not going to be orders, private. This is going to be reaction on your part. Do not think. If I tell you to hit the dirt. You do it! Do not think if I tell you to go left, right, or stop. Just do it! If I tell you to stay in place, a nuclear blast is not going to uproot you.”

  I’m mesmerized by Captain Boa’s fierceness as he looks down at me. We are so close. We’ve never been this close before. Not even when he grabbed me in the hall. He has to feel me shaking. I can see his concern and that nearly undoes me. His vivid blue eyes are sharp with it.

  “It’s a go! Drop one!” The intercom blares around us.

  “Hook your hands in my belt here, Rousseau!” Captain Boa shouts over the noise.

  “But, I . . . !”


  I’m screaming. Captain Boa gave me no chance. He just pushed both of us out the flight hatchway, and then he wrapped his arms around my head. My screams are muffled in his throat as huge winds fling us bodily over and over. The air sucks at my breath and I can’t breathe anymore, then suddenly everything goes black.

  I grab Tallie tighter to my chest and clench my eyes as the heat and debris of the surprise explosion washes over us. The cargo Skitter exploded! Fear, as I’ve never felt before rocks my body. It’s as bad as the thermal waves from the explosion that punch us imaginably far off our course. Buffeting us, head over feet in the air. Tallie’s unconscious, but the straps and hooks are holding her tightly to me. Still, sixty seconds gone and I have to break the chute, except the thermal wave could buckle it. However, I have no choice. I’m glad Tallie is blacked out as my lips rub her cheek, and I whisper, “I’m sorry, baby.”


  My entire body jerks violently as the parachute catches, and then holds, and then it drags our bodies upward with a bone wrenching snap. It held! Now, I need to see how much distance I can manage to propel the parachute back to where we should be. I pop the top of my meter watch and realize it's impossible; we are hundreds of miles off course. The whole team will be scattered, and now I have to worry about dropping in the midst of the enemy.

  One thing at a time, I caution myself. That’s the only way to survive. I tug the lead strings and drag the parachute east. I do have an idea where a safe zone might be. I never leave on a mission without thoroughly studying the area or space I’m venturing into. This time, I immersed myself in a thousand-mile radius. I’m overly cautious, but it pays.

  “Tallie,” I utter against the wind, with her name tearing out of my mouth. Now, I need her awake or she’ll break her legs in landing.

  I have to slap her cheeks. “Huh-huh,” she mumbles.

  “Brace yourself!” I shout. “But keep your knees bent.” That gets her attention and I can feel her body respond as I also prepare for impact. “Let me take the fall!” I shout at her. “Roll with me.”

  Tallie screeches in my damn ear when we hit, but her body goes with me and I’m able to keep both of us from killing ourselves, when we hit the ground. Once on the ground, I swiftly unsnap the hooks on Tallie’s flight suit and she falls right onto her back as I ignore her and turn to drag the parachute into a ball.

  “On your feet, private! We need to move now!” I shout at her over my shoulder. But when I turn, she’s still laying on her back with her knees bent. I bundle the parachute under one arm. I’m not leaving it behind, we might need it, and I drop into a pouncing crouch over Tallie. “Get your ass up now, private!” I bellow.

  Tallie gasps at the loud booming sound and I grab some of the material of her flight suit between the cleavage of her tits and haul her upright.

  “Let go of me!” she cries, beating on my forearms as I hold her upright by the material bunched up so tightly in my fist that my knuckles rub against the conical slope of her breasts. Damn it, I’ve seen rookies lose it before and Tallie’s face is white. She has to be in shock, which is quickly turning to hysteria.

  “Just what I need,” I mutter viciously under my breath as I shake her. “Stop it, private. Stop it now!”

  “Let me . . . ,” she chokes, and then her eyes suddenly seem to focus on me, while her nails are digging into my wrist.

  I have her back, but now I need to hold onto her. “We’ve landed.” I shake her aggressively. “And you are going to haul your little ass behind me this instant! Or, private, I’m going to take my gun out and shoot you for being a deserter.”

  Tallie pants with her eyes so enormous and brown that they kick me in the gut. But I don’t let her think about what I’ve said for two seconds, as I shout, “Now move!” I shove and release her at the same time, grabbing her shoulder to turn her and shove her forward again. But she’s moving now.

  I know that I'm alive at Captain Boa’s mercy . . . and alive because of it. But still, I’m . . . Damn, I’m so confused, terrified, angry, and helpless! So, I move like the Captain orders me, when all I want to do is scream at him for getting me into this. My reservist’s papers say strictly no, absolutely no, physical combat unless the carrier is under attack, of course. I am not trained for this. I don’t want to be trained for this!

  I’m so mad that I believe I could confront him. A powerful Variant male with all his added strength and honed muscles. Instead, I use my anger to move me forward. Maybe, I’m not that brave after all. Hell, I know I’m not! I want to cry. All I want to do is sit down and cry I’m so scared. But I suck it up. Captain Boa is the only thing that’s going to get me out of here alive, now that I'm here. But as soon as we stop, as soon as we have a moment, I’m going to . . . !

  “Get down, private,” Captain Boa hisses behind me. “Flat!”

nbsp; He doesn’t even wait for me to . . . “Oh!”

  “Quiet!” He practically lies on top of me, pushing my face down.

  Chuk. Chuk. Chuk.

  I hear the sound overhead and I’ve never heard anything like it before. It sends my skin crawling as it grows closer and there’s some kind of vibration coming with the sound. It’s thrumming through my body and I bite my bottom lip to keep from whimpering in terror. What is it? It has to be something alien.

  “Damn, it’s a Wasp ground unit,” Captain Boa hisses in my ear.

  Wasp? That’s what they call the aliens, because they don’t know what else to call them and their space fighters can swarm like wasps. I don’t know if any human, still alive, has ever seen one. Oh, my God and the sound is nearly on top of us.

  Chuk! Chuk! Chuk! Chuk!

  “Run!” Captain Boa bellows in my ear. I scream, of course, as he drags me up and he shoves me forward. “Run!” he thunders again.

  I’m running! Running through the scrub-brush and rocky terrain. I can’t really see that about the land I am scrambling over, because it is too dark. I can just feel it.

  Chuk! Chuk. Chuk.

  The sound is getting softer, making me think we are actually getting away from it. Then there’s some type of huge light swinging toward us.

  “Run!” Captain Boa shouts, giving me a hard push. “Go east and don’t stop for anything!”

  East? Where the hell is east, I want to scream, but then I realize he’s broken away from me. He is gone! But as I keep running, I look over my shoulder and I suddenly see Captain Boa zigzagging out into the light not twenty yards from my right side.