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Page 4

  In the cave Ry chooses, I notice he’s setup a solar lantern and unrolled an inflatable bag from the pack all Air Space Rangers carry on their backs. He kneels down on the air bag, and I let go of his firm shoulders as he rocks back on his heels. One side of his face is chiseled in the lanterns light, the other is in shadows. He looks tough, hard, and very masculine.

  “Where do you hurt?” Ry pins me with his gaze. His blue eyes are dark and intense. My eyes drop to his mouth, of course, as I lift my hand to my left side, by my lower rib cage, beneath my breast.

  “Just here really. I think I got poked really hard by a branch when I fell,” I mumble.

  “Let’s take your pack off and have a look.”

  My eyes dart up to him, then down again, but he’s already helping me take the small pack off. That twisting of my body, to get the straps off my shoulders, makes me wince. “Drop your flight suit and lay back, Tallie. I’ll get the lantern.”

  Ry is already moving, while I'm immobile as I watch his spine, when he reaches for the lantern. I never expected this. Never. “I don’t have a bra on,” I hiss miserably, embarrassed beyond belief. I should be embracing this moment with all the female that's in me. We are going to . . . I know that he and I are going to, but...

  “All right.” Ry is back with the lantern, setting it beside me. “You tell me why, and I will figure something out.”

  I can only hope or pray. “M-My breasts wouldn’t fit in the flight suit. They don’t make them for, well, um ...”

  “What size?” he asks quietly.

  “Thirty-eight d-d,” I stutter.


  “No!” I exclaim forgetting not to look at him and getting caught in his intense gaze. He looks, he looks like...

  “God, baby, you’re making my mouth water.” My eyes pop open wider as I stare at him transfixed. He’s aroused, b-by me? Ry sits down on one hip beside me, leaning closer over me. “Take it off for me, Tallie. Unzip it slowly and pull it down off your shoulders. Close your eyes if you have to, baby.”

  Ohmygod. Baby. The dropped tenor in his voice when he says ‘baby’ is melting me. I clench my eyes and I’m breathing harshly as I reach for the zipper. I want to do this. I want to do this so bad. Yet, to bare my breasts for him, just so he can look at them. God, I’ve never done anything like this in my entire life. The zipper whispers as I pull it down to my navel. My breasts nearly burst out on their own against the release of the tight material, but the edges of the flight suit catch them.

  I hear Ry’s breath hiss. “I’m not going to give you much choice, Tallie. I know that you thought I would, but from this moment on you are mine.”

  “Oh God,” I gasp.

  “Now, take it down for me. Show me your breasts.” Ry’s command is softly spoken and irreversible. My hands are trembling as I pull the edges down off my shoulders, over my nipples and the flight suit catches on my inner elbows. Cold air washes over my shy breasts as I hold my breath. “There, Tallie. Leave it there. Christ, I couldn't help but imagine your big breasts. But my imagination did not do them any justice. Lift them up to me by arching your back, baby.”

  “I don’t know. I-I ...,”

  “Do it for me.” Ry’s warm breath is on my ear. “Lean back ... That’s it. Now arch your back and lift them up to me, baby.” His breath is intimate and coaxing on my earlobe. I can feel the intense heat of my blush staining my neck as Ry’s commands move me, despite my hesitations. “You're posing for me,” he murmurs. “And my cock is hard, like a spike, looking at you. Like a long hot spike.”

  “Oh God,” I moan roughly. Never in a million years could I imagine this.

  Captain Boa is a highly sexual man!

  Chapter Seven

  Christ, I’m awed. Tallie’s nipples are fat and pink. A light blush pink, baby soft looking, except for where the spears in the middle are tight and rosy. Thrusting up at me, poking outward and showing everything. Thirty-eight d’s, damn they are white melons, firm and tantalizing. I feel as though I've never been this hard before. Looking at Tallie’s arched back with her creamy colored skin against the black flight suit. She is posed . . . like an offering to me. Shame-shame on me. I cannot wait, but in the end, there will be no shame between us. I am glad to see only a slight bruise under her left breast.

  “Tallie,” I whisper sharply, as I move in front of her, and then I come down to kneel with my knees on either side of her hips. I’m over her as though I would hold her down as she’s poised with her breasts arched upward toward my chest. Her eyelashes flutter and I know she’s peeking at me as her breath puffs in little pants out of her curved lips.

  “I won’t wait,” I utter. “It’s been too, long.”

  Her eyes pop open now. They are chestnut brown and beautifully filled with surprise, hesitancy, and a deep-shadowed longing. Priceless. She cannot hold my fierce gaze for long and her gaze drops to my chest as I undo the Velcro over the crotch of my flight suit.

  “B-But ...,” she whispers.

  “No,” I rasp. “I’m not going to fuck you yet, baby. But I am going to jack off over your fat tits and your pink nipples.”

  She hisses. Her breath is so sharp and her gaze drops to where I'm releasing my ten-inch engorged cock. “Ohmygod,” she pants.

  There are going to be a lot of, “oh god’s,” in our future if I cannot even hold back after looking at just her breasts. Yeah, that’s all right with me. I have a fondness for kinky. Tallie’s tongue circles her lips nervously as I grasp the column of my heavy dick and I begin to pump. Tallie’s gaze darts up and down a few times, unsure where to land, while my gaze fills with her big white tits. Hell, someday I am going to fuck between those two beautiful and supple balls of titty.

  “I’ve been fisting off to dreams of you for months now.” I pick up the speed on my dick, to a fast pumping motion, stroking from the cum-soaked head to my balls. Stroke. Tightening my grip around the rigidly swollen shaft.

  “You have?” she whispers, as hope and pleasure show in her eyes. She licks her lips again nervously. “You are so big,” she blurts.

  “Ah, baby,” I grunt. My balls are drawing up tight as my breathing gets heavy and sweat beads between my shoulder blades. “Lay down, baby.” My voice is a strained voice. “Open your flight suit more. Let me see your panties.”

  Bless my Tallie, she falls backward and bounces her big tits like creamy-filled balloons. Her gaze is on my jutting cock with my hand fisting it hard. She likes my big dong. It awes her and scares her, but she wants it. Her slender hands fumble, pulling the zipper downward, until finally I see a scrap of lavender lace. Jesus, sexy feminine panties. Nothing serviceable, like cotton. The lace is embroidered, but I can see Tallie’s coffee colored pubic curls beneath. “I-Is this all right, Ry?” she whispers hesitantly. “I-I’m not very good at ...,”

  “Yes,” I grunt, interrupting her. “Lavender,” I utter, as I drop on one arm over her. My legs are braced, stretching out on either side of her legs. My chest is about two hand spaces over her breasts, and I am fisting my cock in long, hard, and rapid moving strokes over Tallie’s soft ivory belly.

  I’m going to cum and my eyes are clenched, when suddenly, I feel Tallie’s hand cupping over my bouncing testicles. “A-!” I grunt. Jesus! “Squeeze,” I groan. “Harder!”

  Tallie’s sweet hand milks my balls and I cum roughly with a belly-straining groan as the pleasure explodes in my cock. My cum arcs outward in a white stream and it hits Tallie’s belly as I continue to stroke my flexing cock, forcing every inch of rapture out of it that I can. Christ, it was good ... so good. And to my pleasure, I know this is only going to get one hundred percent better.

  I come back to myself with Tallie still cupping my balls warmly. I’m dripping sweat on her, but her eyes are closed and she’s breathing a little fast. Aroused. She is aroused. “Did I scare you?”

  Her eyes open slowly and I can see the connection that we have in the brown depths as she holds the twin weight of my balls. �
�No, hmm ... maybe a little.”

  “You are so shy.”

  Wariness leaps into her irises as her hand leaves my balls. “I know I ...,”

  “Shhh,” I hush her. “I like it, and I like the thought of teaching you not to be shy around me.”

  “Teaching me?”

  “Hmm, I will teach you a lot of things I like, Tallie.”

  “I just can’t ...,” she hesitates, biting her bottom lip. “I just cannot believe this is happening,” she finishes in a rush.

  “I did not plan it,” I murmur, and I raise my hand to her cheek, where I stroke the delicate curve. “And, I certainly won’t regret it.”

  Tallie moves her head from side to side agreeing with me silently as I cup her nape in my wide hand, and then I lower my lips to within a breath of her mouth.

  “Give me your mouth, baby,” I whisper. “Let me taste your tongue.”

  Chapter Eight

  The heat from Ry’s kiss explodes in my mouth, making me whimper. His big tongue slides over mine and I moan. The action only allows him to draw my tongue back into the hot cavern of his mouth. I can’t think or breathe it’s so wonderful, and his flight suit is rasping against the very tips of my aroused nipples. He suckles on my tongue long and hard, until I’m arching beneath him, gripping his shoulders. Then, he lets my tongue go inch by inch, until he releases it.

  “Have you ever had an orgasm, Tallie?”

  God, what has he done to me? “Yes,” I pant. His kiss has left me breathless and needy.

  “With a man?”

  “N-No,” I respond, turning my head to the side.

  “Good,” he murmurs with a kiss against my ear. “Tell me how you do it alone.”

  “I couldn’t,” I gasp, not willing to look at him.

  “Yes you can,” he urges more strongly. “Close your eyes and tell me.”

  “No,” I whisper, dreadfully shy. I’m shaking. Why is he making me do this? Is this what lovers do?

  “You're not allowed to say no to me!” Suddenly, he sounds like the Captain he is, giving commands. Then unexpectedly, he lifts my body in his hands, while at the same time he starts to tug and pull my flight suit downward. Pulling it off my hands and out from under my back.

  “No!” I exclaim, as we struggle. I am trying to stop him from pulling it over my hips. Of course he is too strong, but we squirm against each other, elbows and hands. “I don’t want to!”

  Ry becomes stuck at my boots, and then abruptly, somehow, I’m lying with my belly over his thighs as he sits with his legs out in front of him. “What are you doing? Stop it!” I exclaim. He is too strong. This is the first time I have really felt it. Then, Ry’s hands are at my panties, pulling them down over my bottom. “Why are you doing this?” I cry, as I feel the lace band pulled to the bottom curve of my ass, leaving my buttocks completely nude.

  “Because, I like it, Tallie. And you will obey me.”

  Obey? “Jesus, are you into S&M or something?”

  “Not all the way, honey. But I am into you being submissive, and pain and bondage can be entertaining.”


  The smack that Ry suddenly gives my rump, surprises the complete hell out of me. His hand is large and it lands across my bare buttocks sharply. I yelp out of surprise. But it only begins. His broad hand begins to spank my buttocks again and again, building up a steady slapping against my vulnerable naked ass.

  “Oww! Oh God, stop it,” I squeal. But I’m caught as Ry’s prisoner, and then he raises his knees, bending me over more. Raising my bare ass higher as I try to kick my feet, but they are caught in my pants. “Oh! Jesus! Oh hh!” Ten-Twelve spankings. “No!” Fifteen. “Ow! Ow!” Twenty. “Ow! Ow! Please!”

  Each swinging slap of Ry’s hand pushes me forward and bites into my flesh. It hurts worse each time, because my skin is already stinging hotly. His hand is rapid and relentless. I can’t believe the biting pain. “Ouch! Ohgod! Ow! Please, Ry! Please!” I try going limp over his thighs in the hope that he will stop. God, I am crying. It hurts.

  Then abruptly, his hand sinks to a stop, and I feel so helpless. I-I feel cowed. Mastered. He is twice as strong as a normal man is and I only weigh one hundred and twenty-five pounds. Then moving abruptly once again, he twists my body, turning me over by using his fingers curled tightly in my hair. I’m exposed, crying, and pulling at his hands tangled in the hair at the back of my head. He leans over me, while my spine arches over his thighs.

  “Tell me how you touch yourself, Tallie.”

  “I don’t know what you want!” I cry.

  “Do you lay on your back or your stomach? What do you think about?”

  His fist tightens in my hair and I wince as I jab my fingers uselessly at his hand. “My stomach,” I pant. “I-I pretend a man ... you, is taking me from behind.”

  “Where do you touch yourself, Tallie?”

  “In my pussy,” I hiss, dying of shame and embarrassment.

  Suddenly, Ry’s hand is there, right between my thighs, and he is dragging his middle finger through the lips of my sex. “You are wet,” he utters to me. “Dripping wet.”

  “No!” I cry, trying to clamp my thighs together, but his hand is too wide, so I grasp his wrist with my fingers, but it’s not going to help.

  “Here?” he demands.

  “Ah!” He shakes me. “Higher,” I gasp.

  “Here?” He submerges his finger between the swelling folds of my sex.

  “Higher,” I pant miserably. “Oh hh!” I squeal suddenly as pleasure spikes in my pussy like an electric shock where Ry’s finger suddenly grazes over my clit. My legs topple open against my choice. I have never felt a percussion of arousal like this. It is like talons of intense pleasure scraping sharply through my pussy.

  “There.” Ry swipes his finger over the voracious bud of my clitty, and my body begins jerking uncontrollably with each rasp of his finger as I desperately clutch his wrist. “Circles, baby.” He tugs my head back, arching my neck and thrusting my naked breasts higher.

  “Oh god,” I cry as he circles his finger faster over my jutting and aroused clit, while pressing harder. I don’t realize he’s let go of my hair as I feel the fingers of his second hand reaching down to split open the lips of my pussy, baring the protruding bulb of my clit, which his middle finger is circling so rapidly. “A- A-!” I can’t breathe, and my body lurches and strains over his thighs.

  “Don’t fight it,” Ry growls.

  But, I am! I cannot let him see me so vulnerable. I can’t lose control. Only, I have.

  “Damn it! Quit fighting me,” he utters, again. Then, everything changes as he wheels my body around and he lifts my legs over his head. My ankles are still caught in my flight suit as his body shifts and his head comes down between my thighs.

  “Oh God!” I squeal as Ry spreads my pussy lips open with his fingertips, and then he licks his tongue hotly over my clit. My body bucks upward uncontrollably with intense pleasure. He is ceaseless as he begins to suck repeatedly on the spot that makes me scream. Then abruptly, his hand is spanking the left side of my buttock. Each slap of his hand against my bare ass rides my pussy deeper into his mouth.


  Slap. Slap.


  Smack. Smack.

  “Oh hh hh! Oh!” I scream as a climax fluxes through my pussy, convulsing my legs over Ry’s shoulders. My body is so tight and stiff against the explosion of pleasure that I’m arched upward against his mouth. Ravenously, his mouth continues sucking on my convulsing pussy, and I whimper with each draw of his mouth and tongue.

  I’ve never had an orgasm in front of a man before and no man has ever put his mouth on my pussy. I think that I pass out a little, because when I come around, my panties, flight suit and boots are gone, and Ry is kneeling between my bent knees with his finger inside my vagina. It feels so large, as he circles it. It has to be his thumb.

  “God, you are so tight, Tallie. I’ve never had a woman so virgin before,” he
murmurs, pushing and pulling his thumb in and out of me. I am so wet that the thickness of his thumb makes slick sounds.

  I twist my head, while moaning a sharp, “A,” sound as my fingernails dig into the air cushion beneath me. “What are you going to do to me?”

  “Anything,” he utters, pushing his thumb inside me, then holding it there as he lowers his mouth to my sex. “I want,” he mutters hotly with his lips kissing the splayed lips of my pussy. Ry holds his thumb inside me as he laps his tongue repeatedly over my cringing clit, until I’m quivering and whimpering helpless sounds. When, he pulls his mouth away, I’m lost and shaking on the edge of a climax. My inner muscles are clutching wildly at his wide thumb.

  “Now, baby, I want you to undress me.” His voice is husky.

  “I don’t want to obey you!” I cry tightly against my raging arousal.

  “But, you will.” He stabs his thumb with a hot plunge inside me, in and out . . . in.

  “Aaaah,” I mewl, riding upward on my heels as though to follow him. I can barely catch my breath, as I cry, “You were never like this! You are distant, hard, controlled. Aaaah hh!” I peal again as Ry smudges his finger over my straining clitoris. Oh god, I want him to make me come so bad I’m shaking with it.

  “But not with you,” he rasps. “You bring out something angry and hot inside me. I want to control you. I want to make you mine.” Ry pulls his thumb from inside me, and then he bodily drags me up onto my knees before him with his hands holding my upper arms. Yet, all my mind can think of is my pussy and how much it throbs, unappeased and demanding attention.